The 33 Universal Laws

Trevor - Digital Alchemist
2 min readJul 4, 2017

I was introduced to the 33 Laws of the Universe at the turn of the millennium. This was the pre-google search domination era, when everyone was “Asking Jeeves”. Online research on such a topic was non-existent and even today there is scarcity of information.

Many people talk of the Law of Attraction these days, which appears in the major 12 laws, although if you look past this popular edification, there are other gems of wisdom to be discovered.

Here, I cover the first 12 major laws.

1: Law of Divine Oneness
Everything is connected. We live in one world where all of our thoughts and actions affect the universe around us.

2: Law of Vibration
Everything vibrates and is in motion both in the physical and etheric worlds.

3: Law of Action
Manifestation of thoughts, emotions and dreams will come from taking action. Perceive and you will achieve.

4: Law of Correspondence
Our understanding of the laws of physics which help to explain our physical reality equally apply to the corresponding realms of our etheric universe.

5: Law of Cause and Effect
Every action has a consequence, we reap what we sow.

6: Law of Compensation
Material and Spiritual gains needs to be worked for. As we expend energy we are rewarded.

7: Law of Attraction
What is hidden within, our thoughts, hopes, dreams, emotions will be revealed as energy on the outside and attract similar energies.

8: Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
We have the power to transform the energy in our lives. Rising to higher vibrational state will banish the lower ones. Goods thoughts lead to good actions.

9: Law of Relativity
We may gain a better understanding of life when we appreciate the perspectives between the low points and high points. Lessons may be learnt through life’s challenges.

10: Law of Polarity
Every state has it’s opposite. There can be no north without south, no light without dark, no love without hate, no good without bad.

11: Law of Rhythm
The universe is in a continual ebb and flow, rise and fall of vibrational energy. These rhythms create patterns, night and day, seasons, cycles of reproduction and growth. We can teach ourselves and guide others to find a harmonious balance.

12: Law of Gender
Everything contains an essence of Ying (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energy which provides a foundation for creation. Our challenge is to find an equilibrium of gender energies in order to master true creation.

Photo credit Josh Adamski



Trevor - Digital Alchemist

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